but please, for the love of the flying spaghetti monster, 'WHY.?' is it still looking for stuff on network shares?!?! Can Acad/LT not just be content to live out it's life peacefully on our C: drives without feeling a longing desire to oogle over the neighbors fence every time we enter a command? Our licences are seated locally, not floating on a network share. I have stopped WSCommCntr4.exe from loading into memory, by disabling InfoCenter. I have unticked 'access online content when available'. I have unistalled all online content searching fluff. Whatever happened to Acad being a standalone program? I have uninstalled 360 (sorry, pointless). please can you make it stop looking in SP1.? It is causing inexpressible frustration. We have no vertical Acad derivatives like AutoCad Mechanical Desktop or Electrical or Plumbing or Piping etc etc. One of the LT installations in our office is still freezing on command input while it goes off looking for: There is something in this release that is completely infatuated with snooping around connected shares. ^^ I've been seeing this suggestion far too often for my liking.

*bit.ly/HW1e7b.Tags..Torrent.Files."As a test, unplug from your network/internet" Download.Autocad.2013.64.column.editing.